Okay .... I really try to hold my tongue sometimes because Meme tells me it's very easy to offend people these days and it's something she says is "just not done".
But I have to say it ... enough with the sanitizing, de-germification, anti-bacterial fumigation, and so forth and so on. And time to stop blaming all these viruses on the pigs and the birds, next thing you know you'll blame the dogs ... ENOUGH!!!
You don't have to listen to me. Meme knows this stuff. She's lived a looooong time and according to her (you just gotta trust this woman, believe me), the more germs you kill around you the better chance you're going to get sick. I'm not saying there aren't germs out there because there are, billions and billions as Carl Sagan would say. Gosh I miss that guy! But I digress.
I can see you now ... you're thinking what does a dumb dog know? Or even dumb Meme? But hear me out. In my eight years on this earth I have never had a cold or a flu bug and I have never used a paw sanitizer or an anti-bacterial wipe in my whole life. Heck, I'll eat off the floor, the road, you name it!!!
My explanation for my well being is simple and short. I have one hefty immune system that comes from constantly sticking my nose and mouth where feet and heaven knows what else have been. I've got my antibodies working twenty four seven. And look at me ... the picture of health and I'm no spring chicken.
I travel with Meme and Poppy and we stop at those 'in and out' motels along Route 95. You know the ones ... you never see another living being from the time you arrive 'til the time you leave, just cars coming in and driving out? Meme says some people go into these rooms with a cartload of cleaners and disinfectants and pretty much steralize the room before even setting foot in there. They make sure to wear slippers and spray that smelly Lysol stuff all over the phones and remotes. They pull the cover off the bed and throw it in the corner of the room or on top of the wardrobe (Meme admits she does do this sometimes).
Don't get me wrong. Of course we need to take certain precautions. Just wash your hands to Happy Birthday and leave it at that. And, sure, you might pick up a little virus along the way, but getting a little sick now and then reminds you how great it is to feel good! You know how it goes. You're down with a cold for a week or so, just miserable, rolling around in bed, drinking fluids, downing Vicks cough medicine (admit it, you sort of like that part), you just want to die. And then one day you wake up and say "Hey! I feel better!" You bound out of bed and you feel so strong you could fight a bull! And you fly into the day just happy to be alive. So you need those little illnesses now and then just to remind you how well your body works when everything is chugging along the way it should.
But I have to say it ... enough with the sanitizing, de-germification, anti-bacterial fumigation, and so forth and so on. And time to stop blaming all these viruses on the pigs and the birds, next thing you know you'll blame the dogs ... ENOUGH!!!
You don't have to listen to me. Meme knows this stuff. She's lived a looooong time and according to her (you just gotta trust this woman, believe me), the more germs you kill around you the better chance you're going to get sick. I'm not saying there aren't germs out there because there are, billions and billions as Carl Sagan would say. Gosh I miss that guy! But I digress.
I can see you now ... you're thinking what does a dumb dog know? Or even dumb Meme? But hear me out. In my eight years on this earth I have never had a cold or a flu bug and I have never used a paw sanitizer or an anti-bacterial wipe in my whole life. Heck, I'll eat off the floor, the road, you name it!!!
My explanation for my well being is simple and short. I have one hefty immune system that comes from constantly sticking my nose and mouth where feet and heaven knows what else have been. I've got my antibodies working twenty four seven. And look at me ... the picture of health and I'm no spring chicken.
I travel with Meme and Poppy and we stop at those 'in and out' motels along Route 95. You know the ones ... you never see another living being from the time you arrive 'til the time you leave, just cars coming in and driving out? Meme says some people go into these rooms with a cartload of cleaners and disinfectants and pretty much steralize the room before even setting foot in there. They make sure to wear slippers and spray that smelly Lysol stuff all over the phones and remotes. They pull the cover off the bed and throw it in the corner of the room or on top of the wardrobe (Meme admits she does do this sometimes).
Don't get me wrong. Of course we need to take certain precautions. Just wash your hands to Happy Birthday and leave it at that. And, sure, you might pick up a little virus along the way, but getting a little sick now and then reminds you how great it is to feel good! You know how it goes. You're down with a cold for a week or so, just miserable, rolling around in bed, drinking fluids, downing Vicks cough medicine (admit it, you sort of like that part), you just want to die. And then one day you wake up and say "Hey! I feel better!" You bound out of bed and you feel so strong you could fight a bull! And you fly into the day just happy to be alive. So you need those little illnesses now and then just to remind you how well your body works when everything is chugging along the way it should.
Seriously, ease up on yourself. You don't have to clean every surface you touch. You were given a good strong body to combat all those awful germs. Keep your kitchen counters clean, careful with your cutting boards, and wash your hands frequently.
You'll be fine. Trust me.
'Til Next Time,