Seems that when men age they're a lot better at it. Some women even think they get sexier (whatever that means!). Sometimes they're "distinguished". But whatever they are, it's rarely bad.
Women are different. Starting somewhere around 50 (some say even earlier) it's all downhill. Sad but true. So then they start buying all these potions that are supposed to take away the years and tighten their skin and all sorts of other promises. And when one doesn't work, they try something else and on and on. What you have to really respect is that women never give up!!!! They just keep trying.
Now sometimes they actually go to the hospital and let themselves be cut up and pulled up ... sometimes even sucked out!!!!! Ouch!!!!! Luckily I'm covered with fur and will never have to consider such a painful act.
Now, Meme told me that is definitely NOT an option for her as much as she would like it. Sometimes I see her in front of the mirror pulling her face in all these weird contortions and I have to admit, she really does look better. But as soon as she lets go, her face goes back the way it was.
So she got to thinking about it (I know ... dangerous) and finally decided that as women age, less is definitely more. She was looking around at some of these ladies older than she is and says they look a little like clowns. I've never seen a clown, but I have seen the women she means. They have faces with colored spackle on them! There are a lot of these in South Florida, we don't know why they all seem to come here. And sometimes their hair is sort of blue with matching eyelids. And on top of the blue or sort of pale yellow hair they spray some sort of glue that doesn't let it move if there's a wind. Some of these women have also had their faces tightened like I was talking about before. It's almost scary!
Meme still buys the potions to make her skin smooth and has no idea whether it's working or not. She always asks me how could she know? The only way would be to stop applying them and see if the situation gets worse, but she doesn't want to take that chance.
For years she put on the spackle along with some sort of paint that makes her lashes darker but just as stubby and even worse sort of stuck together. She finally decided to skip all that nonsense and go with what she says the "good Lord gave her". She does cheat a little and puts some pink on her cheeks and her lips. She can't believe that she goes outside that way and nobody seems to notice the difference!!! And she looks way better, I think.
Now, hair is different. Hair is forever and hair can be fixed. Meme says it's a woman's crowning glory. She can cut it to make her face look thinner or fatter, she can color it so nobody knows there's any gray in there (which evidently is the kiss of death for women ... never go gray!!!). Or she can put something in there called highlights which kind of makes her light up. That's what Meme does; she says it's a more casual approach.
She said that a woman has to know when it's time to cut her hair ... past a certain age, long is not attractive anymore. And also she says the hair should always bend up, not down, once you reach that magic "certain age". One of Meme's favorite things to say is "up is up". She says it about the stock market and she says it about hair. She says you need to always draw the eye up. So now her whole focus is her hair and she works hard on it every day to make sure it looks like she didn't do anything with it. Takes her forever to make that happen!
Now Poppy doesn't do much of anything!!! I see Meme carefully picking out these nice clothes, putting them on, fixing her hair and putting that pink stuff on her cheeks. Ever since he retired, Poppy showers, brushes his teeth and combs his hair, but that's about it! He throws on shorts from Caldors (a store we don't think even exists anymore), a t-shirt and unimaginable shoes almost every day! Meme even went out and bought some really pretty colored t-shirts. She told Poppy if t-shirts are the wardrobe of the day, then she's going to color up the day!!!
Every now and then I hear Meme say to Poppy "so who am I getting all dolled up for anyway?" And I have to laugh because secretly I think she does it for herself.
But you know what? I don't care about any of it! Poppy takes me for the long walks. What do I care whether he's colorful or not or how funny his shoes are? These just aren't important things to me. I look good, that's for sure ... I know this because everybody tells me so.
So maybe she's right ... maybe less is more.
P.S. Today I'm including my Meme in my picture.

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