I haven't had a lot to talk about lately and I was trying to get Meme to give me some ideas. Well, careful what you wish for! She started off using words I don't know and I'm just going to have to try to decipher as best I can given my limited brain. And when I can't, I'll just use her words and hope you can figure it out.
First, it's about being careful about a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'. Now, I have a coat a little like a sheep so I can relate to this. I've never seen a wolf in dog (person), but I've seen them on TV and they don't look anything at all like sheep (or me)!!!!
I found out what it means is things just aren't always what they seem or what we would hope they can be. Sometimes things turn out to be too good to be true. And I can understand this part because if I saw a sheep or dog walking toward me who looked like me, I would want to be friendly and welcome him in my life. But what if his coat was a fake? What if he wasn't what he appears to be? That could end up being very bad news for me!
From what Meme tells me it takes awhile to find this out and you have to be careful. And this can happen anywhere. I think, for the most part, dogs are who they are. I don't think I've ever met a phony dog, but I've sure seen phony people. There are people who fuss over me and I know darned good and well they don't like me one little bit. And I have to be honest, I'm not all that nice to them because I want to let them know I see right through them ... no pulling the wool over my eyes.
But sometimes it's not all that easy and Meme has seen a lot of it in her life .... people she's met along the way she thought were her friends and they weren't. And she says it's really hard these days because there are so many people on this internet thing (don't even ask!).
According to Meme a lot of people sit down at their computers and create a personality to put "out there", one that may not be who they are at all. But they go out on the internet and make friends with people they have never met. Meme has been lucky because she met one group of people who she likes a whole lot (she says you know who you are), but at the same time she met people who have really hurt her and not been who they seemed to be at all.
There are people who have the "gift of gab". They are people who "talk a good game". Does any of this make any sense to you? Because, believe me, this isn't me talking ... I'm lost again!
Our country is sort of hurting right now. People are upset about the war and the economy and are desperately seeking a different direction. We're going to elect a President this year and it's so hard to choose between the two men who are running. One is older, has a ton of experience in Washington, and has really "been through the mill a time or two" (there she goes again). He seems a very good man and Meme likes him. But some worry a better time for him would have been several years ago. They worry about his age, his health. But no one questions his patriotism or love of country.
The other man is also very smart. He is good looking and has the "gift of gab". He makes really terrific speeches and promises things a lot of people desperately want. He's also a likeable guy. He "looks good". And we want to believe him because he may be President and we want what's best for our country no matter who leads. But he hasn't got much experience, everyone pretty much started hearing about him four years ago when he made a speech. So there are some who worry if he's ready for such an important job.
Meme says the President of the United States is considered the leader of the free world so those are pretty big shoes to fill.
Most people are unhappy with the way the country is going and have been for a while now. So it's natural to reach out for a promised hope, a desired change. It's natural to want to run from what we know and aren't happy with toward something that looks more promising. Meme says lots of people think the "grass is always greener" next door, but sometimes when you actually walk over there, it isn't.
But every one of us, even me, needs to be really smart this time. We need to pay attention. This is a very important time for this country and in this world. We don't want to get it wrong. We need to move forward with the very best man. It really doesn't matter what party he's in.
But it does matter that he stands for what we believe in. So no matter what that may be for each of us, when we decide in November who we want to take us into the future, let's look for the man who holds the values we do ... because usually that's the person who will do things the way we want them done. Listen to your soul; it will not steer you wrong. Meme says we have to dig under the surface and make sure the fruit is good all the way through.
I know ... lots to think about. And if you think it's a lot for you, just imagine how hard it is for me. I need a nap!
'til next time.