Sometimes the answer is simpler than we think if people would just quit arguing and taking the side they think they should because it's "their side". Sometimes we toss stuff around and keep saying the other guy has it wrong when really all along the answer is simply everyone working together and exchanging a combination of ideas.
Yup! Paris Hilton got it right ... do it all.
It took John McCain to bring this babe out of the woodwork and tell us her energy plan. I say it's a great plan and I'm for it. Take her plan and let's run with it.
In case anyone missed her TV documentary .... well, not exactly a documentary ... more like an ad, or more like a "gotcha", but in case you missed it, here's her plan:
"Barack wants to focus on new technologies to cut foreign oil dependency and McCain wants offshore drilling. Well why don't we do a hybrid of both candidates' ideas. We can do limited off shore drilling with strict environmental oversight while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars. That way the offshore drilling carries us until the new technologies kick in which would then create new jobs and energy independence. Energy crisis solved!"
Sounds good to me!
'Til next time ...

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