Do you know the feeling of seeing an open door? You want to see what's on the other side; you just have to?
Now imagine being me. I'm always on a leash ... always. Well, not quite true really. When we were travelling to Cape Cod some people had fenced in yards and I was able to run free. And some people just lived in a great place with no traffic and I just ran and ran in their yards.
But mostly all my life I've been on a leash. So picture what it was like for me one day in our cottage on Cape Cod when suddenly .... the door was open. Meme and Poppy were sitting out on the deck and they'd let me come inside because the sun was so hot on my white fur. I was fine with that ... but then I saw the open door.
I walked ever so slowly over to it, turned around to see if they were looking. They weren't. So I walked closer. Suddenly there I am right at the front door with the grass and flowers and all kinds of wonderful smells just waiting out there for me.
And I thought ... why not? I know my way back; time for an adventure. So out I went. I stepped onto that soft grass and started sniffing. I had thought I would go right back inside, but this was just too good. I couldn't stop myself.

I made my way around the house and past the BBQ grill, one of my favorite places. Still, so much ground to cover I couldn't waste too much time there. I made my way over to our neighbor's. There was no one home so I was able to take my time sniffing and exploring.
I made my way around the house and past the BBQ grill, one of my favorite places. Still, so much ground to cover I couldn't waste too much time there. I made my way over to our neighbor's. There was no one home so I was able to take my time sniffing and exploring.
Now all this time I can hear them talking so I know everything is perfectly fine and I'll definitely be back for dinner. But this is fun! I'm free! So I just kept sniffing and snooping.
Suddenly I hear a screech! It's Meme yelling "The door's open!!! Oh my God the doors open" and then "Where's Molly????!!!!" and "She's gone, she's not in the house, oh my God oh my God!!!". She's just gone bonkers.
And I'm thinking "Oh for heaven's sake calm down ... all this fuss and I'm perfectly fine". I knew right then I should go back, but I just couldn't. It was just too wonderful a moment and who knows if I'll ever have this again.
And then I hear our other neighbor calling me! Oh good Lord they're calling in the troops!!! Suddenly I hear my name being called out all over the place. Poppy's calling me, Ron is calling me, and Meme .... well, you don't even want to know.
I sort of understand why they went so crazy. A few years ago my sister-cat took off through an open door and didn't come back for days. We were all pretty scared that time.
So I should have gone back right then. A good dog would have, but I have to be honest and tell you that I'm very, very cute but not always as good as they might want me to be And you know what? It was the principal of the thing. I'm a grown up dog after all. And I'm perfectly fine. I'll go back when I'm done and not a second sooner.
Well, almost. Suddenly I hear Ron behind me and sheepishly I cowered beneath him and let him scoop me up and carry me home. How embarrassing. What an awful way to end a perfectly wonderful afternoon, being scooped up like a dumb cat and carted back home.
Oh well. I'll say this. With all the fussing and the treats and the loving I got after that adventure, I wouldn't have given up those couple of hours for anything.
But something tells me I won't be seeing another open door any time soon. But if you do? Walk through it. It's all good.
'Til next time ...
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