Friday, December 19, 2008

Bright Paper Packages Tied Up With .....

Bright satin ribbons!!! Omigosh I've never seen so many ribbons and bows, lights and twinkly everything! Next thing you know out come the stockings!!!

Stockings ... my absolute favorite part of Christmas. Well, almost my favorite. It's my favorite selfish part of Christmas. But what I really love about all the holidays this time of year is the magic in the air. I can almost smell it.

On our street lots of people add lights and wreaths in front of their houses and sometimes you can see Christmas trees through the front doors. It's fun to ride around and look at all the decorations. Heck, it's fun to ride around anywhere, anytime.

This year Hanukkah comes just before Christmas so soon the Menorahs will be lit, too. All of these holiday traditions are so important and all should be recognized and celebrated. We think it's too bad when they all have to be lumped together in one big Happy Holiday when each one is so important all by itself.

At this special time of year, our family hopes the spirit of the holidays is with all of you. People are just a little bit nicer, a little bit friendlier, people seem to feel the warmth of the holidays and want to share it. I know that I get a few more treats, a few more pets than usual.

We celebrate Christmas. For Meme it's very special as she remembers a Christmas long ago in a little town in Connecticut where she grew up with her parents and two brothers. She tells this story all the time and she said I could tell it here.

One Christmas after everyone had gone to sleep, she lay awake so excited she couldn't sleep. She suddenly heard her big brother get up and walk to the window. He called to her saying "Listen!...... Listen!"

"What?" she said. He wondered "Can't you hear them? The bells?" She lay very still trying to hear, but couldn't. So she got up and went to the window, standing by her brother. He pointed toward the dark distant sky saying "Look! See the lights?" "Yes I do" said Meme. Almost breathless he said "That's Santa and his reindeer!".

"Yes, I see it ... I see it!" Meme was so excited. Her brother whispered "And do you hear the bells???"

Yes, she heard the bells ... Santa's sleigh bells.

And every Christmas Eve, she hears them still.

From my family to your family, may you have a Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas .... and for everyone peace, prosperity and better times in the new year.

Til next time.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving and Spilt Milk

Meme says it all the time ... "don't cry over spilt milk"... and "what's done is done". She has a ton of these sayings and none of them really make a whole lot of sense. But I do know something about "It is what it is". That's her favorite right now.

I love routine and I especially love mornings. They're the best because they're almost always the same. I'm up before everyone else, I jump off the bed and when they still don't wake up I let out a tiny whimper and it's just enough to wake up Meme. And so my day begins with a walk around the neighborhood just to make sure everything is the way I left it the night before.

Then it's back to the house where I run as fast as my little legs will take me into the bedroom where Poppy always has a biscuit for me. Then back to the kitchen where always, always, always my dish is filled with my breakfast. Then I go back to the bedroom, get lifted up on the bed and have my medicine treat that keeps my joints working as best they can. They drink coffee, watch TV, I sleep ... it's just a super time for all of us.

Another favorite I can depend on is weekend breakfasts. On the weekends Meme and Poppy have a special breakfast at the glass top table on the patio. When that refrigerator door opens I know the fruit is on its way to the counter and it will be no time at all before they have their breakfast.

You might not think this would be a special time for a dog, but over the years I have taught my people well and they can't resist sharing their fruit with me. I sit between them at the table and gaze longingly up at them. There's a trick to this. I have to look needy, but loving. As soon as I hear the knife on the plate I know Poppy is cutting the fruit and in a minute a juicy piece of melon will be coming my way. Yup! Got it!

So then I turn to Meme with the same drill. If nothing happens, I make the tiniest soulful sound and it works every time. I just love things I can depend on.

We dogs will wait for treats. I must be patient because for some reason all the yummies in the world were not put in a place I can get my paws on them. And when I don't get my treat immediately, I bide my time because sooner or later the good stuff always comes. If nothing else works, I stare them down and they eventually give in.

This is life's order for me. But sometimes I'm disappointed and things don't go my way. Some days all the good things I depend on just aren't there.

There's no point in looking back at that imperfect day and moping about it, no reason to "cry over the spilt milk" because we can't go back and change anything. So we plunge on with hope for the next day ... hope that it will be better than the day before.

But sometimes, when life just knocks the you know what out of us, it takes more than usual to build up our confidence in tomorrow. We have to dig deep in our souls reaching for our faith that things will get better, that our treat is on its way.

And that brings me to today. We rode so high on our Cape Cod trip, but when we came home I just knew all was not well in our house. I sort of figured out that Meme and Poppy's order was out of whack and things just weren't happening right for us. There have been sad days all over the world recently.

But we just can't let this get us down. We can't go our whole lives with a great treat every single day. There are always going to be days with no treats.

We're hopeful again. We're getting a little confidence back because it doesn't do any good to be sad all day wondering where our treat is ... doesn't do any good at all. The important thing is to hold on tight to the things we can count on.

For me that's the sun coming up every day, it's the walk down our street that promises familiar smells, it's knowing my Meme and Poppy love me more than anything, it's sleeping between them on our bed. These are the important things that I can always count on and if one day I don't have all the treats I want, I just remember all the good stuff I do have.

Meme calls that "counting our blessings", something we especially must do in times of stress and hardship and certainly this Thanksgiving Day before we get any turkey. When we do that, it gives us the strength to deal with whatever is tossed at us no matter how scary.

And from that strength we begin to feel hope. With that hope eventually comes confidence. Once we've built that confidence inside us again, all things are possible.

'Til Next Time ...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Perfect Dog for the White House ... and other thoughts

Well, I didn't win. You probably heard but just in case you didn't, I didn't. I'm not disappointed because I think it would have been tough and even though I have some really good ideas, I'm just not sure I was up to the task.

So Mr. Obama is going to be our President and I wish him the very best. Our country is in a bit of a mess right now (and that's an understatement if ever I heard one) and we need someone strong to take the reigns and drag us out of the muck. I hope he can do that, but I have a few good ideas I thought I'd pass along for him. I have to be honest ... I only get 15 or 16 years on this earth and I don't think it's quite fair that I had to land here now!!!

About the puppy for their girls. I know he said he needed a hypo-allergenic dog. Well guess what!!! Have I got a dog for you! Get one of my cousins because Bichons are one of the greatest of all and we're allergy free. I should know because that's one reason Meme picked me. Some will say Poodle and they're a good second choice if he can't find a Bichon. But Bichons are just the best. We're great with kids, we're really cute and we strut around a lot. We have that regal look if you know what I mean. I think one of us would be a great choice. We are high maintenance, but something tells me that won't be a problem.

Now on to more important things. I've been thinking a lot about this economic mess. You all know that Meme watches a heck of a lot of television so I think I have a pretty good take on what's been going on the last few months. It's pretty ugly, that's for darned sure. But I think some good old common sense might be just the ticket.

So first I suggest everyone get hold of themselves and get in a more positive mood. There's nothing worse at times like this than being dragged down by fear, worry and depression. Our country has been through some terribly rough times before, worse than this really, and we always come out of it. So we Americans have to show that we have just as good a backbone as those who came before us and get working on this.

Right now no one is really getting the right handle on exactly what to do so they're all sort of floundering around down there in the muck and the mire of the trenches. It's just a mess and nothing is getting done. So here goes ....

Let's just stop right now talking about raising anyone's taxes. I know there's all kinds of good stuff Mr. Obama wants to give out and he needs the rich people's money, but it just has to wait. It's called budgeting in tough times; families do it all the time. The government can't ask for a raise in times like these. We have to first get the economy rolling again. So wait on the taxes. Plenty of time to do that when the money is flowing again.

And people have to stop being afraid. Fear is the worst and I oughta know because when something scares me I jump in the air and then I'm embarrassed I was frightened to begin with because nothing is that scary.

Especially people under 50 should take advantage of this garage sale we have going on here with some of the best stocks out there. If Meme and Poppy were younger, they'd be buying right now. Younger people will do very well for themselves if they get in there and take advantage .... I mean these are like major closeout sales! Buy 'em up!

Next the people who are in mortgage trouble have to get themselves talking to their lenders and get those mortgages refinanced. The bank doesn't want their house. I think we're at a point now where they'll be willing to work something out. And the banks have to realize that, too, and work out something with people. We all have to work together to get out of this.

And the homes were way too expensive anyway. It was just stupid to think that a little tiny house that even I could barely fit in would be worth the kind of money they were selling for. Sure it made people feel good that their home went up in value hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few years, but let's get real!!! If it sounds too good to be true, it is. So people wanting to sell have to get realistic and sell lower. They'll get the difference on the other end when they buy anyway so what's the problem???

It was that stupid housing bubble and those evil mortgage lenders and a whole lot of other greedy guys that started this whole mess in the first place. So that has to get fixed. And while we're at it, how about we go after those guys, reel 'em in and try them for high crimes and misdemeanors.

So positive thinking, getting rid of the fear, biting the bullet and holding tight and not selling off what's left of your funds and stocks is the way to go. Remember that when the market was up and your money was worth so much more, it really wasn't worth anything unless you sold it. And you weren't selling it because it was up and you thought it would go up more. Well, it didn't!! It's the same thing as Poppy with all this stuff in the garage that he tells Meme are "collectibles" and worth a lot of money. She always tells him they're not worth a penny sitting in the garage.

So just use common sense. If your stock is worth only $50 today and you sell it, all you've got is $50. But if it's worth $50 today and you keep it, and it goes down $5 tomorrow, but up $10 the next day you're ahead of the game. The trick we all really need to remember is don't sell low. You sell when you're up, not down. I know how hard it is to hang on. Meme and Poppy some days look like they have their teeth wrapped around a trapeze bar, but they're hanging in. It will get better ... it always does.

So that's my view of how this mess starts getting fixed. Once we get the companies feeling strong again, they can hire people and then we've got jobs ..... and so it goes.

'Til next time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

There Ought To Be A Law ....

I'm running for President. It's not too late and you still have time to vote for me ... just write me in.

Yup! Election Day is Tuesday and all I can say is ..... FINALLY!!!!!

When I'm elected (and I do think I have a fighting chance), there are going to be some changes made in the White House ... that's for darn sure.

Here's the thing. As you all know, I'm at the mercy of my humans. What they have on TV is what I get to see. This is a great learning process for me so in a way it's a good thing. It's made me an incredibly smart dog.

Still, I have to tell you that what's been on that TV over the past I don't know how long is enough to make my head spin. I can't make head or tail of it and that's going some because as you can imagine, I'm usually pretty good telling heads from tails.

As far as I know there's no law saying a dog can't be President. As a matter of fact, Meme even told me we've had some dogs in the White House so there you go.

The way I see it everything is completely out of whack and no one gets a pass for the mess we're in and I mean no-bo-dy!!! I mean, speaking for myself ... I'm okay. I heard Meme say she'd let her own hair go before she'd give up on me getting groomed so we're okay there. But we're in a mess, no question about it. And Meme switches channels a lot because she says it's important to hear all sides so I've been hearing all sides, too.

I don't have a dog in this race so to speak. I could care less who gets elected as long as I have a bed to sleep on, walks in the sunshine, snuggles in the nighttime and food in the bowl. That's all I need. Still, I do think I could make some changes that will make everyone a lot happier and everything will go along more smoothly than it does now.

Speaking as a dog, I have to say I think everyone has gotten a little carried away spending too much money they sometimes don't even have. Everyone has too much "stuff". Half of the stuff people have really isn't necessary. Look at me! Like I said, I have food, love, a roof over my head and lots of happy time. That's really all any of us really "need". The rest is just icing on the cake and sometimes we have to do without the icing ... now and then maybe even the cake.

So here's what I think .....

First, no one can announce they want to be President until one year before the election. That way we don't have to start hearing all this stuff before we're even half way through the last President.

And once we announce we're running, we need to come up with a clear concise list of exactly what our plan is. It can't use any trick words that people don't understand. And once we're elected, we don't get to say ..... well, sorry, no can do.

There will be a limit set on how much money a person can spend to get elected and everyone running uses the same exact amount. All the rest of the money that people donate goes into a big trunk for charity and gets distributed the day after the election with nothing held out for "administrative" costs.

When the debates are held, regular ordinary everyday people get to ask the questions. And the candidate has to answer the question. They can't change the subject or repeat the same stuff they're already said a thousand times.

No robots making phone calls and bothering people at all hours of the day messing up answering machines and leaving messages that go on forever and nobody listens to them anyway.

No cutting down trees to print up reams of fliers jamming up mailboxes and being tossed in the recycle bin. You can't even make a decent airplane out of those things.

We have to be willing to take a lie detector test to make sure we're always telling the truth before the election.

Nobody can run for any office if they can't keep their own budget in their own house. Here in our house, we have a certain amount of money coming in. We don't get to force someone to give us more. So we can't spend more than we have. So once you get into the congress, you will not be allowed to budget more dollars than are coming in. No exceptions.

Which brings me to credit. No more printing money and handing it out to people who seem to have somehow blown their own budgets.

And finally, no one can vote in an election who doesn't know the names of the people running. There may even be cause for a test of people's thinking ability, but I'll take a look at that down the road.

So that's just a start. I have a lot of other ideas, but Meme tells me I'm dreaming and none of this will ever happen. I guess she's right, but a girl can dream, right? I mean, why not? There really are more of us than there are of them and I think most of the country is pretty sick of all the debating and the bickering.

We live together in this great country of ours and who cares really who gets it right and fixes everything as long as somebody does. So everyone should just stop blaming each other, start all getting along together and do the job we're paying them to do. Or get out.

That's why I'm running for President. I think I'll make a pretty good one. I can't do it all myself, but if I get some good old common sense in there with me we can get past this mess we've created and get back on track again.

As for me, I have faith in this nation's future. But we're better united than divided and I'm working on uniting.

'Til next time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Open Door I Just Couldn't Resist ...

Do you know the feeling of seeing an open door? You want to see what's on the other side; you just have to?

Now imagine being me. I'm always on a leash ... always. Well, not quite true really. When we were travelling to Cape Cod some people had fenced in yards and I was able to run free. And some people just lived in a great place with no traffic and I just ran and ran in their yards.

But mostly all my life I've been on a leash. So picture what it was like for me one day in our cottage on Cape Cod when suddenly .... the door was open. Meme and Poppy were sitting out on the deck and they'd let me come inside because the sun was so hot on my white fur. I was fine with that ... but then I saw the open door.

I walked ever so slowly over to it, turned around to see if they were looking. They weren't. So I walked closer. Suddenly there I am right at the front door with the grass and flowers and all kinds of wonderful smells just waiting out there for me.

And I thought ... why not? I know my way back; time for an adventure. So out I went. I stepped onto that soft grass and started sniffing. I had thought I would go right back inside, but this was just too good. I couldn't stop myself.

I made my way around the house and past the BBQ grill, one of my favorite places. Still, so much ground to cover I couldn't waste too much time there. I made my way over to our neighbor's. There was no one home so I was able to take my time sniffing and exploring.

Now all this time I can hear them talking so I know everything is perfectly fine and I'll definitely be back for dinner. But this is fun! I'm free! So I just kept sniffing and snooping.

Suddenly I hear a screech! It's Meme yelling "The door's open!!! Oh my God the doors open" and then "Where's Molly????!!!!" and "She's gone, she's not in the house, oh my God oh my God!!!". She's just gone bonkers.

And I'm thinking "Oh for heaven's sake calm down ... all this fuss and I'm perfectly fine". I knew right then I should go back, but I just couldn't. It was just too wonderful a moment and who knows if I'll ever have this again.

And then I hear our other neighbor calling me! Oh good Lord they're calling in the troops!!! Suddenly I hear my name being called out all over the place. Poppy's calling me, Ron is calling me, and Meme .... well, you don't even want to know.
I sort of understand why they went so crazy. A few years ago my sister-cat took off through an open door and didn't come back for days. We were all pretty scared that time.

So I should have gone back right then. A good dog would have, but I have to be honest and tell you that I'm very, very cute but not always as good as they might want me to be And you know what? It was the principal of the thing. I'm a grown up dog after all. And I'm perfectly fine. I'll go back when I'm done and not a second sooner.

Well, almost. Suddenly I hear Ron behind me and sheepishly I cowered beneath him and let him scoop me up and carry me home. How embarrassing. What an awful way to end a perfectly wonderful afternoon, being scooped up like a dumb cat and carted back home.

Oh well. I'll say this. With all the fussing and the treats and the loving I got after that adventure, I wouldn't have given up those couple of hours for anything.

But something tells me I won't be seeing another open door any time soon. But if you do? Walk through it. It's all good.

'Til next time ...


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Journey's Done ... But Oh What A Ride!

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

That's what Meme said and I'm having a heck of a hard time following along, but something's not good, that's for sure. But I want to go back and talk about before the journey ended because it was the absolute best of times for me and I think it's safe to say that it was the best of times for Meme and Poppy, too.

We were together; that was the best part ... riding along the highway, stopping to eat french fries and "bad" food (at least that's what Meme calls it). I think their favorite was Wendy's ... Meme called it Wendy's With a View. She swears she's going to ride up and down 95 trying out all the Wendy's and finding the ones with the prettiest places to park and eat. Wendy's definitely has the view over McDonalds, but Mikey D's has the fries over Wendy's. I can attest to that big time! I love love love the fries!

So you already know we went to Cape Cod. No one ever told me what a magical place it is and Meme says I shouldn't tell you either because we're going to keep it our secret. But I gotta tell you, I just can't hold it in!!!

Hardly a box store in sight, lots of little shops and twisting roads along the sea, beaches I could run on and feel the softest sand ever between my paws, and that huge ocean to drink from. And always, always I was with them whether we were indoors or out, in the car or walking down the road, I was always by their side.

And the people! We stayed in different houses all the way up and back and in our cottage by the water tons of people came and went and they all loved me. There were wonderful people next door on both sides of us who stopped to visit and pet me and they had the most wonderful dogs who came and lay down next to me on our deck.

And there were stairs everywhere! I loved the stairs! At first I wasn't sure what to make of them ... never saw them before in my life, but before you know it I was running up and down and it didn't hurt at all. Not sure if I told you but about a year ago I started having a lot of pain and couldn't jump up on the bed anymore. So my Meme got me the greatest tasting treats to take every morning and since then I've been feeling so much better. I think the stairs helped because ever since we got home I can jump up sometimes which makes me very proud.

So back to our trip. I just gloried in the joy of it everyday and I thought it would go on forever. There were more smells than I've ever had here. And the grass ... can I tell you about the grass? It's so soft under my paws and nothing bit me the way they do here in Florida. I would just run and run forever in the grass. My favorite of all was my cousin's grass on Cape Cod. It was just heaven, like running in velvet; no other way to describe it.

But it didn't go on forever the way I hoped it would. Meme said nothing so wonderfully perfect lasts forever. Life just isn't like that.

Suddenly we were home and that was okay because I love home. I know every nook and cranny, every smell along my special path that Poppy walks me. So it was okay to get home, but what I couldn't understand was that suddenly the happiness was gone, the TV was on all day long and it was so boring with all this financial news and red arrows showing down, down, down. The suitcases were still out and somehow everything just seemed to slow down and almost stop.

It was just so different. I don't know if you know this, but dogs are very sensitive to every change so you really can't put anything over on us. I still got my food and my pets and my walks, but it just seemed sad in the house.

I've already told you my people aren't all that young, downright old some might say. And they've worked hard and saved and been so careful. They don't spend money on stupid things and they don't owe anybody anything. But all of a sudden they're worried. Something happened and now they're just not so sure about our future. And from what I've heard them say, this isn't just a bad time for us in our house, but it could be a bad time for an awful lot of people everywhere.

It's too bad because from what I'm hearing, this didn't have to happen. As smart as I am for a dog, I can't explain everything I've heard, but what I'm understanding is that there are a lot of people who either were protecting their own greed and others who were protecting their power.

And eventually the roof just fell in. And when it fell, it was the people underneath who got hurt the most ... not the people on top. I'll tell you one thing, though ... Meme is hoping pictures of all the people on top of the roof end up on a post office wall somewhere. I have no idea what she means by that, but she says you would.

So it's a sad end to an amazing journey, but that doesn't take away from how fantastic it was for all of us. And Meme is one of the most optimistic people I know. When she's down and out, I know we're in trouble. But she tells me it will all be fine because this is America.

We're a great country and when times get tough, the tough get going. Other countries are working on getting the world out of this mess, too. So down the road this great country and the world will rise again and be stronger than ever. That's just the way it works.

For now, we just have to think about all the good stuff. Meme says that good always comes from bad and she's confident that will happen this time, too. Maybe we all got a little to comfy with too many "things" and it's time to give up some of the "stuff" and focus on what's really important.

All I know is, we're pretty sure that if we're lucky we're headed back up to heaven on earth next year and that's good enough for me.

'Til next time.


Monday, September 15, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life!!!

My heart sings!

I'm guessing you're all wondering where the heck I've been and I don't wonder. It sure has been awhile since Meme has had the time to type for me!!!

A couple of weeks ago I saw more suitcases than usual in the house; practically in every room!! I was getting really upset. Next thing you know our patio doesn't look anything like it did because everything was put away like a hurricane was coming. But I hadn't heard a peep about one being even close! So they were preparing for something further away ... something's up; this time they're going away for a really long time!

One morning we got up and all the suitcases started being taken to the garage. I thought .... "Uh Oh!!! They're off again and I'm going to be all alone at night and spending my days with my friends down the street!!" When I'm alone at night, they leave the radio on like they think this fools me into thinking someone's with me. What do they think, I'm stupid??? There's one thing I know ... if it's dark and no one's in the bed, I'm alone. I got so woebegone as you can well imagine.

But no!!! They took me in the car, too! Oh sweet bliss I'm going too!!! From there it's a story that will unfold in the coming weeks, but I can tell you this. We are on the journey of a lifetime (at least for me). We spent days riding in the car and I had this amazing bed perched up high so I could look out ...... just me, the open road and my Meme and Poppy. We even stopped at McDonald's and I got to share their fries with them ... oh! oh! oh!, if that isn't the greatest! Can it get any better than that? I don't think so; no I don't.

We stopped every night and stayed with different people with wonderful backyards where I could run with the wind, free and unleashed. Imagine my joy!!!

So I don't know what's ahead for us down the road, but we've settled for quite a while now here on Cape Cod, people coming and going, dogs here and there, water and boats, babies and lots going on. It's amazing!

So here are a few photos just to let you know I'm still alive and kicking! As our journey moves on, I promise to write more about it. But right now I'm just having the time of my life.

'Til next time!

Just me, the open road, and some new friends I met along the way .....

Running free as the wind.....................

And finally Cape Cod...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Out of the Mouths of "Babes"

Of course, I know nothing. You all know that. But I do a lot of listening and Meme has the TV on so much that I can't help but be informed. Everyone knows we have a world energy crisis, not just here in the U.S., but everywhere. People are just using too darned much energy and from what I understand, only the bad people have the oil and the oil makes the energy. So we pay bad people good money for oil. That about sums up the problem quick and simple.

Sometimes the answer is simpler than we think if people would just quit arguing and taking the side they think they should because it's "their side". Sometimes we toss stuff around and keep saying the other guy has it wrong when really all along the answer is simply everyone working together and exchanging a combination of ideas.

Yup! Paris Hilton got it right ... do it all.

It took John McCain to bring this babe out of the woodwork and tell us her energy plan. I say it's a great plan and I'm for it. Take her plan and let's run with it.

In case anyone missed her TV documentary .... well, not exactly a documentary ... more like an ad, or more like a "gotcha", but in case you missed it, here's her plan:

"Barack wants to focus on new technologies to cut foreign oil dependency and McCain wants offshore drilling. Well why don't we do a hybrid of both candidates' ideas. We can do limited off shore drilling with strict environmental oversight while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars. That way the offshore drilling carries us until the new technologies kick in which would then create new jobs and energy independence. Energy crisis solved!"

Sounds good to me!

'Til next time ...


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing ~ Images

I haven't had a lot to talk about lately and I was trying to get Meme to give me some ideas. Well, careful what you wish for! She started off using words I don't know and I'm just going to have to try to decipher as best I can given my limited brain. And when I can't, I'll just use her words and hope you can figure it out.

First, it's about being careful about a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'. Now, I have a coat a little like a sheep so I can relate to this. I've never seen a wolf in dog (person), but I've seen them on TV and they don't look anything at all like sheep (or me)!!!!

I found out what it means is things just aren't always what they seem or what we would hope they can be. Sometimes things turn out to be too good to be true. And I can understand this part because if I saw a sheep or dog walking toward me who looked like me, I would want to be friendly and welcome him in my life. But what if his coat was a fake? What if he wasn't what he appears to be? That could end up being very bad news for me!

From what Meme tells me it takes awhile to find this out and you have to be careful. And this can happen anywhere. I think, for the most part, dogs are who they are. I don't think I've ever met a phony dog, but I've sure seen phony people. There are people who fuss over me and I know darned good and well they don't like me one little bit. And I have to be honest, I'm not all that nice to them because I want to let them know I see right through them ... no pulling the wool over my eyes.

But sometimes it's not all that easy and Meme has seen a lot of it in her life .... people she's met along the way she thought were her friends and they weren't. And she says it's really hard these days because there are so many people on this internet thing (don't even ask!).

According to Meme a lot of people sit down at their computers and create a personality to put "out there", one that may not be who they are at all. But they go out on the internet and make friends with people they have never met. Meme has been lucky because she met one group of people who she likes a whole lot (she says you know who you are), but at the same time she met people who have really hurt her and not been who they seemed to be at all.

There are people who have the "gift of gab". They are people who "talk a good game". Does any of this make any sense to you? Because, believe me, this isn't me talking ... I'm lost again!

Our country is sort of hurting right now. People are upset about the war and the economy and are desperately seeking a different direction. We're going to elect a President this year and it's so hard to choose between the two men who are running. One is older, has a ton of experience in Washington, and has really "been through the mill a time or two" (there she goes again). He seems a very good man and Meme likes him. But some worry a better time for him would have been several years ago. They worry about his age, his health. But no one questions his patriotism or love of country.

The other man is also very smart. He is good looking and has the "gift of gab". He makes really terrific speeches and promises things a lot of people desperately want. He's also a likeable guy. He "looks good". And we want to believe him because he may be President and we want what's best for our country no matter who leads. But he hasn't got much experience, everyone pretty much started hearing about him four years ago when he made a speech. So there are some who worry if he's ready for such an important job.

Meme says the President of the United States is considered the leader of the free world so those are pretty big shoes to fill.

Most people are unhappy with the way the country is going and have been for a while now. So it's natural to reach out for a promised hope, a desired change. It's natural to want to run from what we know and aren't happy with toward something that looks more promising. Meme says lots of people think the "grass is always greener" next door, but sometimes when you actually walk over there, it isn't.

But every one of us, even me, needs to be really smart this time. We need to pay attention. This is a very important time for this country and in this world. We don't want to get it wrong. We need to move forward with the very best man. It really doesn't matter what party he's in.

But it does matter that he stands for what we believe in. So no matter what that may be for each of us, when we decide in November who we want to take us into the future, let's look for the man who holds the values we do ... because usually that's the person who will do things the way we want them done. Listen to your soul; it will not steer you wrong. Meme says we have to dig under the surface and make sure the fruit is good all the way through.

I know ... lots to think about. And if you think it's a lot for you, just imagine how hard it is for me. I need a nap!

'til next time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Well this isn't good ... not good at all!

I knew something was up last night ... and I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good. I can just smell these things. Everything was hunky dory until around 10:00 when Meme took me out for a walk. As usual, when we got back I got my favorite treat of the day, a stick of rawhide that is just the best thing to chew in the whole world and I have one every night. Meme throws it up on the bed, then I get ready and she lifts me up as I jump and I enjoy my treat.

Well last night, after my "bone", Meme came in with my food bowl and a nightcap dinner! Well, call me gleeful! I chowed down, but at the same time I thought something is definitely not quite right.

Still, we slept as usual through the night and everything seemed okay when we went out this morning. You may not know it, but when we return from our walk I always get a big chunky treat and then my breakfast.

Not this morning. Nothing, zero, zilch. I ran in the house and waited for Meme to throw it. Nothing. I went to my placemat ... no water, no food. Something was definitely up and it couldn't be good. I waited there for the longest time and Meme was talking nice to me and all so I knew she wasn't mad.

SO WHERE WAS MY FOOD????!!!! I don't know how to explain this, but in the end it's all about food really. I love the hugs, the kisses and the wonderful walks, but life is really all about the food. And on this awful morning, there is none.

It gets worse. Meme got ready earlier than usual and next thing you know I hear "let's go for a ride in the car!". This can be either good or bad, there's no way of knowing. But this morning, with no food, I knew it had to be bad. I started to shake as Meme put on my leash. I was scared.

And rightfully so!!! Sure enough .... guess where we end up? THE VET!!!!! This place is very deceptive. It's fun too arrive. Tons of great smells in the parking area, grass with all kinds of good stuff. Even in the waiting room, it's really nice with so much to investigate. And this morning the most amazing, biggest, most beautiful white poodle I've ever seen in all my life. What a pair we made!!! Still, even with all the good stuff, it always means trouble and this morning was no exception ... only it was worse than usual.

Have you guessed what's up yet? Well, turns out I'm having my teeth cleaned today!!!! So then, I ask, what's with the rawhide to keep my teeth clean? And what's with the tartar control treats that really aren't the best but I take what I can get? I thought that let me off the hook for this teeth cleaning stuff.

But it turns out I smiled once too often and Meme and Poppy noticed my yellow teeth. So here I am at the Vet's for the whole darned day. They took me in early so they could test my blood to make sure I'm up for this invasive procedure. What I say is, if I have to be in perfect shape to have anesthesia, then maybe we should forget the whole thing. And besides, if they have to put me to sleep, it has to be pretty awful, right???

But they must have decided I'm up for it because Meme is gone, I'm still in a crate and I'm waiting and I'm miserable. They'll put me to sleep and since I'll be "out", Meme decided to stick some sort of ID chip in me. There's just no end to the humiliation. So free no more! No matter where I go they'll be able to tell where I came from.

How silly is that? Like I'm going anywhere? And believe you me, first thing I get out I'm getting some glue and plastering myself to their sides. Even though they are putting me through this horrendous day, I still know how lucky I am to live in my beautiful house with all my beds, my treats and two people who love me. I appreciate it all the more lying in this ugly crate in the back of the Vet's office.

I'm thinking is there any way I can be an even better Bichon so I don't have to come here again? Because I have to tell you .... I'm not a happy dog right now, not by a long shot.

(Evening Update: Bad, bad news. It was worse than I thought! I had to have 3 front teeth extracted and I overheard Meme telling Poppy my rawhide stick days are over. What a bummer! I guess every dog has her day and this sure wasn't mine).

I think my next report will be a lot happier.

'til next time!

Copyright HBS 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

It's 4th of July Weekend!!!

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"

The Preamble to the Contitution of the United States of America

It's the 4th of July ... Independence Day. Even if we didn't know that, we sure found out last night didn't we? Wow! With all the booming and the cracking and the snapping, you had to be glad there was a celebration going on, right?

This nation is 232 years old. Meme was trying to explain to me how this country was born, how it all began. Of course for me it only began about 7 years ago, but when she starts talking I really do try to listen (which is more than Poppy does ;) ).

From what she told me, I'm pretty amazed at all that has been accomplished in a really short amount of time when you think about it.

Did you know that dinosaurs roamed the earth something like 65 million years ago? And humans appeared something like 100,000 years ago? Meme heard that somewhere the other day and she's still shaking her head. She had the dinosaurs and the people mixed up or something. History really isn't her thing. Anyway ..... I can't even think about that many years.

At our house, we just love our country no matter what. Some people say you shouldn't love your country right or wrong, but we just do. We feel so fortunate to have been born here. It's just dumb luck that we were ... we didn't do anything special. We could just as easily have been born in a place where we might not be able to find food ... or shelter, where we wouldn't be free to write what we want like I do here, or say what we really feel, or vote for the people we think can best run our towns, our cities, our states and our country.

Men who were alive long before Meme was born (and certainly waaaaaay before I was born) fought long and hard for liberty. And they have fought to keep it. They've even fought to help others achieve it. These men and women who defend our country have to love it more than they do themselves. They put their lives on the line, ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice, in order to fight for liberty, for freedom, for independence.

No one should ever make the mistake of misreading our disagreements with each other in this country. We fought for the right to disagree. We are and must forever be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

In honor of this great country's Birthday, here is Meme's favorite patriotic song, America the Beautiful:

(If you really want a very special experience today, click here: America The Beautiful )
O beautiful, for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
Forpurple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.

O beautiful, for pilgrim feet
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw;
Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!

O beautiful, for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
'Til all success be nobleness, and ev'ry gain divine!

O beautiful, for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!

'Til next time ...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She Wants to be ALONE!!

I'm bummed.

First off, only Meme wants to be alone .... NOT ME! Not by a long shot, not my thing. I am a big time social animal so I don't get any of this.

But this week Poppy went on a big trip. He's gone the whole week and Meme is dancing as fast as she can! After Poppy left on Sunday she came home and started planning "her week". All of a sudden she had endless days in front of her with no responsibility whatsoever.

WAIT JUST A SECOND HERE! No responsibility? She'd better darned well not forget to walk me!

Anyway, here's the thing. Way back when, or 'back in the day', as they say, Meme lived in New York all by herself. There was a time when she was alone and desperately lonely. There's nothing worse than that as I well know. I get lonely every time my people leave the house. Like I say I'm a social animal.

But she says there's a big difference between being "alone" and being "lonely". Loneliness is believing there's no one there for you and you're all alone in the world. Being alone means you're not all alone in the world; there's just no one there.

It's quiet, there are no voices, no static, no criticism, and best of all no guilt. Meme says that for just this week it's okay to laze in bed just a little too long, get in the shower late, take all the clothes out of the closet, try them on and decide whether to keep them ... take all the spices out of the cabinet and toss the stale ones, pull junk out of everywhere and toss it before Poppy comes home because he would say if it isn't broken we keep it and anyway it might be a "collector's item". Those two words are like chalk on a blackboard for Meme!

This is a time she can blast her Bose, throw on her favorite CDs and play them as loud as she wants, dance around like a crazy woman and no one will laugh. She can read as long as she wants in the morning without worrying that she's ignoring Poppy and he'll get sad.

And she can eat whatever she wants whenever she wants ... no planning menus, hardly any dishes. Do you know she actually bought a Hershey's King Size Almond Bar, opened it, left it out on the counter, breaking it away from time to time to let the delicious chocolate melt in her mouth with no guilt whatsoever?

Because if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there, it doesn't make a sound. And if you cheat on your diet, and no one is there, you don't gain anything. Bet you didn't know that!

So we're alone. We're having a great week. Every day around 5:00 Meme and I pop in the car and drive to get the mail. This is my favorite place in the world to walk. We walk all over up there where there's tons of walkways, bushes, and grass ... more sniffs than a dog could possibly ever hope for. I've been sticking pretty close to her side because it's just us and I have to watch out for her.

And at night, when we go to bed, Meme lay out a T-shirt of Poppy's she pulled from the laundry. I sleep on it and it smells just so good! I have no idea why in the world they keep washing all this stuff ... spoils all the fun.

So being alone is good ... I'm getting to like it because somehow deep in my little brain I know this is temporary. The great thing about being alone is knowing you're not. It's knowing that in a few days we'll drive to the airport and I'll look out the window and see Poppy walking toward me with those awful suitcases I saw in his Den just before he left.

He'll get in the car and I'll squeal and kiss him all over his face. I will be so excited to see him because he really is my absolute favorite human in the whole world (don't tell Meme).

Coming apart is fun for awhile, but coming together is the best part of all.

'Til next time ...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What's really important???

It's been awhile! Meme did finally come home, but very late because she said there were thunderstorms all over the place and so the planes were all backed up and they couldn't take off and couldn't land. So when she finally dragged herself in with all these excuses I did my usual excited spins and then ignored her. How dare she go off and come back late with all these silly excuses? In the end, I forgave her. What can I do? I only have the two of them.

Today is Father's Day and I gave Poppy a great card! Meme gave him one, too, but it was more about her being a perfect wife than him being a great Poppy. Just lucky she let me give him a card, too, so he felt important! When he was opening the cards, I thought it was Christmas all over again and looked around for my stocking, but nothing.

Meme was looking at the paper this morning and an article struck her on the front page. The headline read "Nothing Sacred as Families Slash". Now she knows that there are troubles in the economy and gas costs a small fortune; this is not the best of times for sure. No one is doubting that. But many of us (not me) have seen so much worse.

So I guess you have to be born in the 70's to think "cutting back" on your every 3rd week pedicure is a hardship. Woe is me ... my toes, my toes!!! And oh my goodness, we have to ditch the once a week cleaning lady! One couple said that by combining their cellphone accounts they saved $70. If they had done that in the first place, they would have an extra $700 or so at the end of the year!!!!

We could go on and on with a list of the "cutbacks", but the real point is they should be talking to an awful lot of people in this country who have been doing without all these goodies for many years and somehow they still find happiness, joy of family, and gratitude for the smallest of luxuries.

A really wonderful man died this week. Meme and Poppy watched him on TV almost every single day and on Sunday he had a really great program called "MeetThe Press" that answered so many questions for so many people. He was honest, a man of integrity. His life was cut short way before it should have been.

Meme said she felt like she'd been hit in the gut. She didn't know why because he wasn't a friend of hers. But she welcomed him into our home every single day. We relied on him to ask the good, hard questions and get real answers, not let people beat around the bush. She says he demanded accountability (something really important to Meme).

In a world of spin and partisanship, this man set the bar very high and Meme doesn't think there's anyone out there who didn't have respect for him. And how many people, particularly in the political world, can we say that about these days?

So a really nice family has lost a son, a brother, a husband, a father. And we have lost an honest, down to earth, loving man. And it's going to take a very long time before someone can come even close to replacing him, if they even can. It's just a terrible loss particularly now.

It's not about the hair coloring, the best cellphone plan, the cleaning lady, the Thai take-out, the pedicures, or even Disney World. It's about being grateful to have your family together. That's why I hate when mine walks out the door ... I never know for sure they're coming back.

This man's family has to come home and he's not here anymore. I don't think they'll even notice whether or not they have an HDTV. They don't have him. And this world is going to be more than a little empty without him.

God bless you and keep you, Tim Russert.

'Til Next Time ...


Copyright HBS 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Trouble's Afoot

I'm depressed.

I always know when we've got trouble and we've got it now. The suitcase is out and stuff is being tossed into it. This is not a good sign. Since there's just the one suitcase, and judging by it's color, it means Meme is going away for awhile and that is not good news at all.

You may have read somewhere that dogs have no concept of time and Meme is always telling me that. And maybe we don't, but what we know for sure is we like things the way they are supposed to be. And Meme and Poppy are supposed to be here all the time. I don't mind if they go out for dinner or something like that because they always bring me back a special treat.

But when that suitcase rolls out the door I know that things just won't be right until it rolls back in. Poppy will behere with me and he really is my favorite (don't tell Meme), but I need her here, too. She's the one who walks me early in the morning and the last thing at night. She's the one who laughs the most and makes everything just seem more fun. And she's the one who usually feeds me.

So Poppy will do all that and take care of me and I'll keep him company. He needs company a lot so I'm happy to do it. But things just aren't going to be right around here until that suitcase comes rolling back in the door. I'll pretty much wait here until it does.

Sometimes Poppy takes me to the airport when he meets Meme and I go spastic with squeals and kisses all over her. Sure hope that happens this time.

The only good thing about Meme going away is Meme coming home. Thought I should tell you all that because we won't be writing until late next week. I'm sure she'll be fired up about something when she gets back ... we can pretty much count on it!

'Til next time.


Copyright HBS 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Destiny? or Chance?

Every day about 5:00 Poppy and I go out for a long walk. It's one of the best parts of the day. Ever since I was a puppy, one of my favorite things has been visiting with other dogs along my path. I've always liked to take full advantage of every meeting.

Meeting other dogs is fun. Some I like more than others and size doesn't matter. Every now and again I meet another dog I don't take to at all and I pretty much ignore them. But mostly, I like other dogs and their people too. I never quite know why they are along my path. They just are.

Now and then I get to wondering about the dogs I never see again, who for some reason never seem to walk when I do or maybe just don't walk the same path every day. When I'm especially philosophical, I get to thinking about the reason some of these dogs come into my life and then leave it while others are there every day along my path. And it's the same with people ... there are people I just love out there who give me treats and rub my belly. Others not so much.

As you probably know by now, Meme believes in lots of things ... one of those is "to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven". While she believes that, she also believes in our own free will to make choices. But are these two beliefs in conflict? I have absolutely no idea at all. I don't even get the quote!!!

So she explains that nothing happens by accident, that we meet everyone we meet for a reason. Some people (and dogs) come into our lives ever so briefly yet leave themselves indelibly etched on our hearts. But others come along and they are there forever. We can depend on them to listen or to pet us. So it's the paths we choose, or are occasionally led down, that lead us to those who walk with us throughout our lives. There is a purpose for everything that happens to us. Meme says that it's very important to have supportive and loving people around you and I sure can't disagree with that! I can't even walk without someone holding that leash ... at least I don't think so!

You're wondering where I'm going with this. So am I!!!! These things come to me and when I talk them over with Meme sometimes I'm more confused than I was before.

I think what she's saying is that sometimes in life we are disappointed by others. Sometimes they may not live up to our expectations or we don't to theirs. Now and then we have to walk away from them or they walk away from us. It's kind of like I was saying earlier ... there are just some dogs out there who just walk by me once, we touch noses, check each other out, and then they're gone. But that doesn't mean there was no purpose to them being there even once. It doesn't mean that their presence, for however long, was a waste of time.

Meme thinks time is never really wasted. Every second counts. She keeps telling me that as we journey through our life every breath is important and we should never regret a moment that has passed. So that's what I do ... especially important for me because I don't have nearly as much time on this earth as people do.

Meme never looks back and wonders if she made the wrong choice, messed up, welcomed someone into her life only to have to let go. Who she has become is made up of every choice she ever made and without twists and turns along the path, she would not be who she is.
At the end of each day whether we believe that everything that happened to us that day is chance or destiny really doesn't matter. What matters is that every day that passes will somehow affect who we are the next day.

So no regrets, Meme says. I say "what's a regret???". But she explains that we may not know what each day's purpose is, but one day we will look back and we will know why everything turned out the way it did. She says to tell you she is grateful for every person who has ever crossed her path, for however long ... and if you're reading this, you're probably one of them.

'Til next time ...


Copyright HBS 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is Patriotism a Cause ???

Meme is a little upset again You all know this happens to her a lot because she gets so passionate. All I can say is thank goodness she has me to bounce stuff off because I think I calm her down a little. But sometimes, she just finds herself shaking her head about some things that happen.

Yesterday she got an email ... one of those chain emails? The ones that either warn you about impending doom or tell you if you don't forward the stupid thing in 5 minutes something awful will happen to you? She says what makes people think that there's a little guy in the computer that knows not only when you open the email, but also knows exactly how many minutes later you forward it.

Anyway, I'm getting off track again which you've all learned I do a lot. The reason is my brain is about the size of a softball and I just do the best I can with it.

So she got this email and the subject is "ABC Bans Flag Lapel Pins". Now, knowing my Meme, can you even imagine her reaction???!!! Yikes! She opens the email and it says this:

"Yesterday, the brass at ABC News issued orders forbidding reporters to wear lapel pin American flags or other patriotic insignia. Their reasoning was that ABC should remain neutral about "causes". Since when is support for preventing our death & destruction some sort of a cause? Since when is patriotism to be discouraged. I urge you to boycott ABC and its sponsors and affiliates.

Please forward this to as many as you can."

Then it gives a link to Snopes which is an internet site that checks out these things to find out if they're for real. So she clicked on it and sure enough ... it's real!!!!

And what really got her ripped is that this didn't happen yesterday ... this evidently goes back to right after 9/11/2001!!! And seven years later is the first she's hearing about it? Did no one know this? Did you?

And even more ..... WHY???? Well, I'll tell you why. It seems that after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., some news outlets asked their on-air personnel not to wear any patriotic symbols in order to "maintain an image of impartial neutrality". Hello!!!! They added that it was also to protect overseas reporters from being harmed if someone thought they were an arm of the American government. Huh?

Evidently ABC was prominent among these news outlets. They actually said they didn't want to signal how they feel, that it might appear by wearing these "symbols" they were spokespeople for the U.S. government. They wanted to appear neutral and remain "objective".

Well guess what. Meme says that WE'RE NOT OBJECTIVE!!! And by the way ... ABC stands for American Broadcasting Company (maybe they forgot that). Also, while it would be really nice if all news organizations were objective in every way, they're just not. Their "feelings" show through all the time. We don't think there are many people in this country who would get their back up because a reporter is wearing an American flag on the air (or anywhere else for that matter).

And for anyone who does???? Tough noogies.

'Til next time.

Copyright HBS 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Remembering and Honoring this Memorial Day

Meme told me this morning that this is Memorial Day weekend. It's a very important time. Most people think of this weekend as the beginning of summer, an extra day off work, a time for hot dogs and beans, burgers and fries, apple pie and ice cream. And she says it is all that, but it is much, much more.

This is a holiday of remembrance. This is a time we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice serving our country and defending our citizens so that this weekend we can all come together with our friends and families and have the freedom to say and do pretty much whatever we want because we live in this beautiful, free country.

Of course, I understand none of this because I'm just a dog. And unless I'm in my house, I'm usually on a leash so not sure what's so darned free about that!!! But I do know that I have a darned good life and I can do just about whatever I like (as long as I'm on that stupid leash and someone picks up after me). I don't know what dogs do in other countries. I hear there are a lot of other great countries out there, but I also hear there are some where things are not so great and Meme tells me that an awful lot of people here in America just don't seem to know how lucky they are. It's not their fault, we all sometimes forget to look at the bright side. We all, from time to time, tend to complain and criticize things we see happening that we don't completely understand. Sometimes we need just a little nudge to remind us.

So this Memorial Day, I hope everyone celebrates this nice long weekend. I hope you have parties and cookouts and good times with your friends and families. I hope you see all the sales at the stores and go out and spend money, bolster our economy.

There's also plenty of time in the weekend to stop a moment, take a breath and remember all the men and women who have paid a painful price to bring us to this moment. And let's not just say we support our troops, let's honor our troops. Let's recognize that these men and women believe in what they're doing and the reasons they're doing it .... to preserve life as we know it in this country, to fight against those who wish to do us harm. These are strong, brave men and women ... some of the most honorable we have ever known.

We're not always perfect, but there are an awful lot of individuals who are as close to perfect as we can imagine. While we're all having a good time enjoying our freedom this weekend, let's remember them. Let's honor them.

'Til next time....


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Week Bites The Dust

And I'm singing "Oh What A Beautiful Morning"

Meme says she can't believe where the times goes sometimes. I say, what's "time"? Makes no sense to me. I get up, I eat, I get hugs and kisses, wait for some action around the house, go for walks, eat some more, get more hugs and kisses, lie down for some sleep, get woken for "one last pee", get my favorite treat of the day and then we all lie on the bed with our eyes closed and it's very dark, then it gets light and it starts all over again. It's good!

So this "time" thing makes no sense to me. The other day Meme read that dreams only last 2 or 3 seconds. And that got her to thinking (I KNOW!!! ... dangerous). So first thing in the morning, the minute Poppy opened his eyes, she started babbling. That's not my word, that's his. He says sometimes she babbles a mile a minute and he can't keep up. He says "Hey!!! Slow down a second ... I can't keep up!" Then she says "I can't help it if my brain works faster than yours!" and everybody laughs.

Anyway ... she started thinking and talking about "time". And I need to tell you that when she gets on a roll about something, there is just no stopping her. She told Poppy about this dream thing and how they're only 2 or 3 seconds long. Poppy said no way!!! His dreams are sometimes very long!

She said "no", they're not. It's a perception. So now she's decided time is all a perception and there's no such thing. Somewhere along the way someone decided to call time seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, but if time were real, then why does it suddenly "speed up" the older we get??? .... Or slow down when we're doing something we hate like waiting in a doctor's office. Meme said if all time went as slow as sitting in a waiting room, it would be like living forever (but pretty boring I would think ... they have very old, boring magazines, like GOLF magazine. Who ever heard of that except in the doctor's waiting room?). Woofs!!! Sorry! I'm getting away from myself!!!

I haven't noticed this phenomenon myself that much, but I'm only 7. As you know, I'm a dog and life is just life and I live it. Besides, Meme told me that dogs have no conception of time which may explain why I don't know what she's talking about.

So just when you would think time would slow down, when you stop going to work and being so busy all the time, suddenly the hours and days fly by so fast that a week is gone and you almost feel you missed it.

Meme says it's not fair. She's finally at a time in her life where she is perfectly content. She wants to savor every second, hold onto every moment and yet time is moving along at breakneck speed and she knows in her heart that there's less time left than has gone before.
So another week bites the dust. Another week she'll never see again. As each day comes she opens her eyes in the morning and says "Hello, Day! It's good to see you. Hello, Sun! You've come around again as you always do".

Every day is so special. Every single day holds so much hope. The opportunities of every day are limitless. It's like a flower opening and the more it opens, the more wonder appears inside. For me it's like sniffing ... the more I burrow my nose in the grass, the better the smell gets. We wake up and we think of all we can do and even when we don't do it all, at least we know we can.
Days are good. If we live every day, one at a time, maybe we can enjoy this "time" thing more. Never rush a day, never hurry to the next, enjoy each one and be glad for it. It will not come again; we won't get a chance to live it again.

So live it well. Have a good week. 'Til next time .....


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy "Meme's" Day!!!

It's Mother's Day, but you knew that. Every year around this time Meme starts thinking about mothers and motherhood. She's not one, you know. Well she is ... kinda, sorta. She's got stepchildren, but they have a mother. She has grandchildren who always remember her on Mother's Day and send nice presents.

And she's got me for heaven's sake! She's my Meme and that means Mother to me!!! I call her Meme because she would always call me saying "Molly! Come to Me!" So I thought that was her name. I could have called her Mom if I'd only known how badly she wanted to be one.

Anyway, then she has nephews and nieces who she loves so much. But still ... what she always says is she's not a "real" mother and that's what she wanted so badly ... so much sometimes it hurts. But as she says all the time, you can't go through this life getting everything you want and she has so much to be grateful for on this day and every day.

Still, she's no fan of Mother's Day. But she has lots of really good friends who she says are the greatest mothers in all the world. And on this day to honor our mothers, she honors all those friends. She hopes that on this day while we honor our mother, those of us fortunate enough to be mothers remember what a blessing it is to bring new life into this world.

As you know I'm adopted and I honor my Meme and Poppy every single day. I want to wish all the Mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day. Rejoice in your children and be glad for them ... even when they mess up a little.

'Til next time!


Saturday, April 26, 2008


From “God Bless the USA” - Lee Greenwood

"And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA”

Meme loves this country. She asked if today I could write about patriotism and love of country. For me my “country” is a very small place. I walk out my door and down our street and that’s my country. I know I love it. Meme says I’m “just a dog”. And I say “JUST a dog”???? What does that mean? I’m not “just” anything … I am a dog and I love my country.

I’m a small white dog. I walk down the street and I meet other white dogs, black dogs, brown dogs and dogs with lots of different colored spots. They’re all the same to me and I think they feel the same way. I don’t even know the difference when Meme says “here comes a really big dog!” I think, huh? Big? Looks the same as me to me.

I don’t understand when I hear people say that “their people” were treated badly a long time ago and because of the oppression their forebears had to suffer, they’re now held back and they still feel a resentment they can’t seem to shake off.

So Meme tells me that every person who is born on this earth should have a right to be whatever and whoever they want to be. The world should be open to them. Unfortunately that’s not true in some countries, but I’ve never been to those countries and all I know is here.

Here in the United States all things are possible for all people. Look around and you see people of all colors, all nationalities, at the top of their game. If a person really wants to be somebody, wants to excel, and they study hard and work hard, they can be whatever they want. It wasn’t always like that, but it is today. Meme says no one should use the crutch of a past oppression as an excuse for not fighting for what they want today. Some may have a harder climb than others because that’s what capitalism is all about. But if you really want something and you’re willing to work for it, it’s attainable.

Last night she watched a man defend himself for saying “God damn the USA”. She thought about it all night and she can’t get it out of her mind. I know because she was tossing around more than usual.

She wonders at what point do the sins of our fathers stop being our sins of today? And there were sins; there’s no doubt about that. We must never forget and we must strive to be sure nothing like it ever happens again.

But how many generations have to bear the responsibility for things that happened hundreds of years ago? And does anyone really believe that God was damning America when evil people who hate ALL Americans decided to fly planes into the World Trade Center killing 3000 innocent Americans?

This man says that because of the deeds of a time long gone by, the chickens came home to roost that awful day when innocent Americans of every color and creed were killed.

This is a good country. The people here are good, compassionate people. Every day people reach out to help others. Yet every day on TV we hear what a terrible world we live in, we hear that everything costs too much, and not everyone can find exactly the job they want for the pay they feel they deserve. People are being eaten by sharks and alligators are walking into people’s kitchens. Planes aren’t taking off on time or not at all. Bears are attacking people and tigers are mauling their handlers. Housing prices have come down and everyone mourns the loss of their investment yet no one was heard complaining when housing prices were creeping higher and higher each and every day and investors bought up homes before they were built so they could flip them over and make a fortune. Seemed to some like it might go on forever, but nothing ever does. Meme always says “what goes up must come down”.

But you know what? In this great country we live in people who say they can’t afford gas are crowding our highways and at least here where we live we haven’t seen any fewer cars on the highway. In fact, they're adding roads because they say the roads we have just aren't enough to fit all the cars that need to get somewhere they're not. And they’re not all going to work. Families still crowd the restaurants. People stand in doorways and street corners smoking cigarettes that cost a gizillion dollars a pack. And the planes take off as fast as they land because people keep traveling all over the place. They build cruise ships bigger and grander because so many people want more fun on those ships so they make them like huge resorts just to fit more people on them.

Poppy told me there are 30 sports stadiums in the U.S. Every single day each stadium is filled with over 30,000 people paying a huge wad of money to watch a ball game and then they pay a lot of money for hot dogs from some part of a pig (Poppy wouldn't tell me what part and I don't want to know). That’s 900,000 people every single day just sitting, eating and spending their money just to watch a bunch of guys toss a ball around.

There’s a Starbucks on every corner and people are going in there to buy a cup of coffee that costs big bucks (we don’t know how much because Meme makes her coffee at home, but we hear it’s pretty expensive). It’s coffee!!!! How good can a cup of coffee be?

And there are brave soldiers all over the world who are looking out for us, fighting for us, getting wounded and sometimes dying for us just to make sure we can live free, that we can enjoy our lattes and go out to dinner and and go to ball games and drive to the mall or along the ocean. And most of all they fight so we can say whatever we please and not get shot for it.

You know what Meme wishes? She wishes that at least one politician would come along to run for office, stand up on that podium with a thousand red, white and blue flags behind them and say …………

“Look at this grand and glorious country of ours! Look how far we’ve come and what we’ve achieved. Look at the pleasures we get to enjoy that we take for granted every single day. This is a great country, strong and bold and generous and good. We are living in an amazing land where we are free to say whatever we want and be whatever we want to be. Sure sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes there are hurricanes and national disasters and sometimes we get it wrong, but at least we try. And when we mess up, there are so many people in this great country who try to make it right. Every single solitary American should step up to the plate and do his share. No one should look to anyone else for a free handout. We all have to find a compromise, bend a little and start to work together instead of split down the middle as if there's an enemy within. If we all work together as brothers and sisters to fight our real enemies instead of bickering back and forth, if we all come together and combine our strengths against something far more ugly and evil than anything we have ever known, then and only then will our proud country come back to being what we all know in our hearts it can be. United we stand, but divided we most definitely can fall.”

She wishes she didn’t have to turn the TV on every single day and hear how bad everything is and read all the horrendous things that happened because she knows in her heart that for every bad thing that happened, something good happened too.

Someone was healed, someone was saved, someone brought a new life into the world, someone was kissed for the first time, someone cheered another person up, someone helped a lost soul find their way home, someone reached out a helping hand and felt the reward of knowing they had helped another human being. And all over this country, lots of people laughed and there's really nothing better than that.

We have got to stop with the gloom and doom and feeling that somehow we’re not getting enough, stop whining that the bubble we were living in burst.

We’ll get past this faltering economy. We’ve come through far worse and we will again. Most of us living today don’t even know what true hardship is. Only those still alive who lived through the Great Depression know what “giving up” is really all about. We are proud people. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward with hope, strength and determination.

I know I haven’t had to give up much of anything. We drive around a little less, but Meme isn’t cutting her own hair yet and I know I’m still at that stupid groomer every month. I just got a pretty new collar and there's bones in the cupboard; what more could I want? We have a TV in just about every room and a fancy doohinkie that records the TV whenever I need to go out. And Meme tells me we’re not in that upper 1% who pays most of the taxes collected by the IRS. We’ve learned to live on less and we’re still in pretty good shape. We're happy and Meme says happiness is something that comes from deep inside and no amount of money in the world can buy that. She always tells me if I'm not happy in my heart, no bone is going to cure it. I'm not sure I would go quite that far, but mum's the word.

The sky is bright blue, the sun is warm, rain still glistens on the windowpanes when the sun shines on it after it stops and every now and then we see a rainbow. Ducks waddle along our back yard and great and glorious birds glide in over the lake behind our house. The trees still rustle in the breeze and I still get to sniff the grass, chase the birds and try to stare down an Armadillo every now and then.

There’s a reason so many people from so many other countries want to come here, live here, work here and enjoy our way of life. If it was so miserable here, nobody would be trying to come into our country by whatever way they can manage. And if it was so miserable here, all the unhappy people would move to all those other countries. But they're not ... even when they threaten to, they don't. Meme says if a certain person is elected President she's moving to Barbados, but she won't ... it will be fine.

Life is good. Meme, Poppy and I are darned proud we were lucky enough to be born here and we’re very proud to be Americans.

'Til next time!

Copyright HBS 2008