It's Christmas and Holiday time again and there's a whole new year sitting on our doorstep just waiting for us to open the door and invite it in. This is a joyous time for all of us who celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah, a very special time of year when families and friends gather to share the traditions set down for generations. And sometimes magic happens because people can just feel the spirit all around them and somehow dreams come true and prayers are answered.
"They" say we dogs live in the moment and I guess that's true. This isn't a moment I've liked a whole lot so I'm sort of ready to get out of it and move on to the next one! Meme and Poppy have been a mess because I'm not feeling up to par and they instantly went into doom and gloom mode. Lucky for me it looks like I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, but in the meantime it looks like my diet is going to change a bit and I'm not at all happy about that! Still, a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do ... I have no control over what I eat anyway so I might as well just learn to live with it. Meme's been in the kitchen baking and I smell all these delicious smells including peanut butter, but all I get is a cut up piece of my own dog food. Who does she think she's kidding? I know the difference between dog food and peanut butter!!!
I had to visit my vet twice just this past week and they did things to me that shouldn't even happen to a cat!!! Then I had to undergo the embarrassment of Meme sticking a tin pan under me when I'm just trying to pee!!! I tried to tell her to get that darned thing out from under me and give me some privacy, but she was relentless. Seems my kidneys aren't quite right, but I told them they're good enough to get me through the next 5 or so years I plan to be around so just leave me alone!!!
All the boxes came out with the ribbons, wreaths, ornaments and lights. I thought for a minute they were packing again for one of their trips and got pretty depressed, but then I figured out they were unpacking the boxes, not packing them. So now we have three trees with dozens of lights and shiny ornaments; glittery stuff and red bows all over the place. Candles burn to make it smell like pine and balsam, but this is Florida for heaven's sake! Nobody's fooled! Still, I understand it's Meme's little slice of New England so we let her have her fun. The presents are being wrapped and put under the tree, but so far I haven't sniffed anything worth my while to attack.
When I saw how upset Meme and Poppy were I decided to put my best face forward ... figured if I jumped around a little and stood on my hind legs for them, they'd stop putting me in the car and taking me to the vet. So far it's worked and I'll let you know if I have to go back there again. If there's a angel watching over me, she'll make sure I don't have to go back for awhile. It's one of my least favorite places, even worse than the groomer if that can be said.
It seems that snow has fallen almost everywhere, but not here. It never snows in southern Florida. That would be a good name for a song if someone hadn't already used something like it for a song about California. So we're jealous of people with snow because it just makes it seem a whole lot more like Christmas and it's much easier for Santa to land on the roof in his sleigh. I have no idea what he does down here because we have tile roofs and no chimneys so that's quite a conundrum for him.

But I'm thinking somehow Santa will figure it all out and come Christmas Eve he'll make it to every house around the world where children sleep waiting for him. And Christmas morning, as it's been for hundreds of years, the faces of thousands of children all over the world will fill with wonder at the sight of stockings stuffed to the brim, hanging from their hooks by the fireplace and presents large and small laying nestled beneath the branches of Christmas trees that have been adorned with the ornaments of today and generations before.
And I'll be sitting on our bed with my little stocking stuffed with little treasures for me. I'll watch as Meme and Poppy open their gifts on Christmas Day. And on that day, at least for that moment in time, all will be right with the world.
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