Everyone knows that I try to be as positive as I can about just about everything, but I'm not stupid. I've been making an awful lot of trips to the vet's office lately and that's never a good sign. Used to be I'd go once a year and that's that. I really like it in their waiting room and try so hard to put a positive spin on being there, but it's never good.
The other night I knew something was up when my water bowl disappeared. Lately I've been drinking an awful lot of water. I can't quite figure out why. And sometimes I lie down where I never did before and I've needed to go out extra times. I'm ashamed to say I've even had a couple of accidents waiting at the door and just not wimpering quite loud enough for anyone to hear. I just hate to bother them, but when you gotta go you gotta go.
I sleep a lot more, content to lie on the bed for hours, but when we go for walks or play together, I'm just as happy as I ever was and nothing really hurts. And I absolutely still love to eat! But I wasn't surprised the morning after the water bowl disappeared when my walk treat didn't show up and there was no food bowl either. Next thing you know Meme popped me into the car and off we went to the vet's office for a blood test. It was over quickly and while Meme paid them(why she would pay for that invasion I have no idea), she fed me 3 of the special treats they have on the counter. So all was well! When we got home my food was back and my water bowl full and I drank half of it in one gulp.
But last night Meme and Poppy went out for pizza and the phone rang. The machine picked it up and I stood listening to my vet's voice and he sounded really serious. Meme was so sure that this blood test was going to be okay, but it wasn't. He said my cholesterol is higher and it didn't sound like high was a good thing. Now they have to send my blood for a thyroid test. And so it goes.
Meme doesn't understand. They cut out all the treats and boy do I miss them. I never get fruit anymore which makes no sense ... I thought fruit was a good thing. Maybe they should give me that again!!!
So we'll have to see what happens. Today is my Birthday. I'm 9 years old and I think I feel pretty good. This is what I know ..... Meme and Poppy will not let any harm come to me, they won't let me hurt, they probably won't have me cut to fix me. They will just make sure that every hour I spend on this earth for the rest of my life will be as good as they can make it for me. Poppy said he's going to take me to my favorite lawn where I can run because Meme read somewhere that exercise is good for me. They'll find something good for me to eat that might be better for whatever's wrong with me (if they can ever figure it out). And no matter what happens down the road I know they are just happy I've been here with them all this time.
I can't make this stuff up. I heard them talking and that's what they said. And it's okay with me. I always knew I'd have to leave this earth before they do! After all, what would I do if it were the other way around? Truth is, I talk a good game but I'm helpless without them and depend on them for everything.
So it's all good ... not for them so much because I worry what they'll do when I'm not here to make them laugh. But they love each other and they'll get through it. It's just not the best of times in our house right now and I didn't want everyone to wonder why there hasn't been a peep out of me since Christmas.
I share the good times and the bad times here and I hope the next time you hear from me, it will be much better times. I'm hoping to be around a good long time.
'Til next time ...
1 comment:
P.S. I hope I didn't squeeze too hard. :)
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